Our Trailblazer Emma Wall polls 1833 votes

False graphic gains Trailblazer Emma 1.2 million Twitter views

"Red wall, blue wall. It's Emma Wall where it's at." was the mantra on X/ Twitter (now at 1.3 million views)
The reference was to our very own Independent #Trailblazer 🔥 Emma Wall who actually polled a creditable 1833 votes in Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, not the 1 vote that was 'mistakenly' posted and made its way into a Twitter thread.
Great effort Emma Wall and Claire Johnson who ran a vigorous campaign in Sussex 

The story is here: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/on-screen-election-graphic-mistakenly-showed-candidate-with-one-vote-2024-07-05/
