Trailblazers stand first candidate

Great news!

We have an amazing Trailblazer - Emma Wall, standing as our candidate for Kemptown and Peacehaven in Brighton, local mother of three, who's been so frustrated with our corrupt politics and the undemocratic system that she is putting her job and life to the side, to lead for change under the Trailblazer banner. 

Rising from the grassroots, pushing for direct democracy, people assemblies and e-democracy, Emma wants to spread the message that we can all be empowered, that we all need to stand up and start building what we want to see: solid communities, a future that has hope and agency.

Brighton and Hove is a progressive city, so a new movement should get the support of some local people who will imagine what we can really achieve with a cooperative, collaborative attitude working together towards a common good.

The difference with Trailblazers is that it is all about heart-led values, not a dogmatic approach to issues. This breaks from traditional politics which focuses on solving issues through arguments and debate, rather than agreeing mutually beneficial principles on which everyone can build.

We have four weeks (which is a push!) to get this message to as many people that they need to show that they desperately want a different approach now. However small the step, it has to start somewhere and this is the spark! Emma is really excited about where this journey can lead and what we can do from within the system to help start the change. Let's see...! We hope to get support from everyone in the Campfire network, if you have ideas, enthusiasm or anything that you would like to pass on, or of course a 'cup of coffee' contribution would really help some flyer distribution, and get things off the ground! 

Thanks everyone, we'll keep you tuned-in with updates...

We can't think of a better place to start a Haven for Peace - Peacehaven!

Trailblazers Manifesto

Emma Lucy Wall's page

Emma needs your donations to mount a serious campaign in her constituency. 

Donations to the Trailblazers movement are invited here


We would be pleased to be able to email three short questions to Emma Wall, who is standing in the General Election in the Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven constituency. Please could you share her email address with us? Kind regards, Bricycles.

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